Sunday, April 27, 2008


I've always been taught that there is a hierarchy when it comes to 'knowing' something, in general terms.
*Data is raw facts.
*Information is data that has meaning within a context.
*Knowledge is the understanding, accumulation and familiarity of information.
*And then wisdom is the ability to apply all sorts of knowledge in an advanced and experienced way.

Knowledge is one of the key levels of this hierarchy so a person can be able to apply education, learning and perception to their everyday life. Knowledge is using information in a way that gives a person the ability to make effective and important decisions.

This is extremely important for a person's career development and, most obviously, needs knowledge at least in one field to be able to do work.

In the field of architecture and the built environment in general, fundamental knowledge would be understanding and interpreting plans, being familiar with the architectural practice in society etc.
But being able to create 3D views of buildings without having them built, there should be at least some prior knowledge to aid this process. Also knowledge can be acquired during the process.

As with Group A, we all had knowledge with Computer-Aided Design (especially with Revit), and at least some 3d modelling experience (esp. with 3DsMax). We acquired this through education and practice prior. But there is never a limit to how much you 'know' when it comes to programs especially, so there is always a constant learning curve when creating this 3D environment.

We are all going through the hierarchy of 'knowledge' in terms of learning and applying UT3 skills. We use the raw facts of data from tutorials and internet forums and our brains convert them to information as we create meaning to the facts in their certain context. Then we acquire knowledge as we get to understand and familiarise ourselves with the information and therefore forming our skills.

We also do this by learning from each other and our tutor and i believe that's the best thing about collaboration; acquiring knowledge from others!!

With the help of my text book for my last year's elective Information Management in Faculty of IT;
Haag, Cummings and Philips (2007). Management Information Systems for the Information Age (Sixth Edition). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin