Thursday, June 12, 2008

A very busy week!!

On Wednesday and today (Thursday), me and margaret have been in the labs all day, from 8.30 til at least 6-7pm working on the model. Alot of things needed to be altered and fixed, and we had to keep importing the 3dsmax model into ut3 continuously, making sure it accepts everything. The materials and the tiling, the normals (ohhhh the bloody normals), and the fact that the model is one element is what we were dealing with. Being able to see each face, which there is probably 60 on each surface or solid!, is extra difficult because it's not possible to hide some of the elements to be able to see behind it. You could imagine...

But finally, by 7.15 2day, we figured out how to save the ut3 file without it losing the package, we have a model pretty much completed (another early morning for us to finish it off by midday 2morrow hopefully), materials of the furniture are completed, lighting is being tackled by priscilla, terrain by danielle, which is progressing really well, and sounds just about given to us by susanne before she leaves for paris.

Things are going ok, but... we only have 4 more full days! We will be alright i guess :)
Just a few days of sleepless nights and a litre of coffee will do it! Its all about discipline! and team work, especially now!

We will have friday, saturday, monday and tuesday to complete it! A very busy week indeed!

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